Miscellaneous Awards

Performance Awards by Discipline


  • Champion – Always Ruby ORB-D-M1334 by Always out of Granada Rose by Grandos. Owned by: Cindy Lee; Bred by: Nubby, Errickson
  • Res. – Newman by Donaudeen, out of Norita *M* by Bütow *E*. Owner: Lydia Gray; breeder: Rolling Oaks Farm


  • Champion – Always Ruby ORB-D-M1334 by Always out of Granada Rose by Grandos. Owned by: Cindy Lee; Bred by: Nubby, Errickson
  • Res. – Newman ORB-B-G522 by Donaudeen out of Norita *M* by Bütow *E*. Owned by: Lydia Gray; Bred by: Rolling Oaks Farms, LLC


  • Champion – Always Ruby ORB-D-M1334 (by Always out of Granada Rose by Grandos); bred by Nubby Errickson; owned by Cindy Lee


  • Champion – Always Ruby ORB-D-M1334 (by Always out of Granada Rose by Grandos); bred by Nubby Errickson; owned by Cindy Lee


  • Champions
    • Lochinvar
      gray gelding by Preussengeist, out of Zeta
    • Excalibur
      bay gelding by Ruprecht, out of Rapunsel by Preussengeist


  • Champions
    • Lochinvar
      gray gelding by Preussengeist, out of Zeta
    • Excalibur
      bay gelding by Ruprecht, out of Rapunsel by Preussengeist


  • Champions
    • Lochinvar
      gray gelding by Preussengeist, out of Zeta
    • Excalibur
      bay gelding by Ruprecht, out of Rapunsel by Preussengeist


  • Champions
    • Lochinvar
      gray gelding by Preussengeist, out of Zeta
    • Excalibur
      bay gelding by Ruprecht, out of Rapunsel by Preussengeist
  • Res.
    • Ruprecht
      by Mikado, out of Tumara by Loretto
    • Loreli
      by Ruprecht, out of Zeta


  • Champions
    • Lochinvar
      gray gelding by Preussengeist, out of Zeta
    • Excalibur
      bay gelding by Ruprecht, out of Rapunsel by Preussengeist


  • Champions
    • Ruprecht
      by Mikado, out of Tumara by Loretto
    • Loreli
      by Ruprecht, out of Zeta


  • Champion – Karino’s Fire ORB-C-S207 (by Carino *E* out of Kismet Ky-Anne ox by Abaskus ox); bred by Barbara Weber, Sheboygan Falls, WI; owned by James and Christina Hyke, Jefferson, WI; ridden by Christina Hyke


  • Champion – Faust
    1986 dark brown gelding by Ethos, out of Filtra by Inselkönig


  • Champion – Faust
    1986 dark brown gelding by Ethos, out of Filtra by Inselkönig


  • Champion – Faust
    1986 dark brown gelding by Ethos, out of Filtra by Inselkönig


  • Champion – Faust
    1986 dark brown gelding by Ethos, out of Filtra by Inselkönig


  • Champion – Hexengeist
    1980 gray mare by Preussengeist, out of Casan Sue xx by San Sue xx


  • Champion – Hexengeist
    1980 gray mare by Preussengeist, out of Casan Sue xx by San Sue xx
  • Res. – Faust
    1986 dark brown gelding by Ethos, out of Filtra by Inselkönig


  • Champion – Hexengeist
    1980 gray mare by Preussengeist, out of Casan Sue xx by San Sue xx
  • Res. – Faust
    1986 dark brown gelding by Ethos, out of Filtra by Inselkönig


  • Champion – Hexengeist
    1980 gray mare by Preussengeist, out of Casan Sue xx by San Sue xx


  • Champion – Hexengeist
    1980 gray mare by Preussengeist, out of Casan Sue xx by San Sue xx
  • Res. – Siegessonne
    1981 bay mare by Tannenberg, out of Sieglinde by Prusso


  • Champion – Hexengeist
    1980 gray mare by Preussengeist, out of Casan Sue xx by San Sue xx


  • Champion – Siegessonne
    1981 bay mare by Tannenberg, out of Sieglinde by Prusso
  • Res. – Hexengeist
    1980 gray mare by Preussengeist, out of Casan Sue xx by San Sue xx


  • Champion – Hexengeist
    1980 gray mare by Preussengeist, out of Casan Sue xx by San Sue xx


  • Champion – Hexengeist
    1980 gray mare by Preussengeist, out of Casan Sue xx by San Sue xx


  • Champion – Hexengeist
    1980 gray mare by Preussengeist, out of Casan Sue xx by San Sue xx

Figure 2

Figure 2

a – 1st and 2nd cervical vertebrae
b – thoraco-lumbar joint (T18 connection of last rib)
c – last rib
d – lumbo-sacral joint
e – hip joint (pelvis/femur)

Figure 1

Horse Figure 1

a – the back (withers to peak of croup)
b – the body (point of shoulder to point of buttock)
c – the pelvis (point of hip to point of buttock)
d – the rib length (withers to last rib)
e – the shoulder (withers to point of shoulder)
f – the arm (point of shoulder to point of elbow)
g – the elbow to the stifle
h – the knee to the hock

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