Prior to 1994, these awards were presented to separate individuals. In 1995 the Board of Trustees decided that the trophy and scholarship should be given to one Junior or Young Rider and horse combination. As of 2009, this Award is no longer funded.
The Koenig/NowPac Award is a monetary award awarded to an ATA junior/young rider competing on a Trakehner or Part-Trakehner horse.
Camden, ME; competed at Fourth Level riding Heslegard’s Stravinsky ORB-E-G661(by Heslegard’s Camerlengo out of Sunday Night by Deadly Nightshade xx); bred by Xenia and Ulrik Nedergaard, Helsinge, Denmark; owned by Julie McKean
2009Delaware, OH; Competed at Prix St. Georges riding Syncro (by Enrico Caruso *Ps*E* out of Sonset *E* by Habicht); bred by Perlebach Farms, Omaha, NE; owned by Laura Noyes, Delaware, OH
2008Camden, ME; competed at Fourth Level and Prix St. Georges riding Heslegard’s Stravinsky ORB-E-G661(by Heslegard’s Camerlengo out of Sunday Night by Deadly Nightshade); bred by Xenia and Ulrik Nedergaard, Helsinge, Denmark; owned by Julie McKean
2007Falmouth, ME
2006Oak Brook, IL
2005Falmouth, ME
2004Fox Island, WA
2002, 2003Lake Oswego, OR
2001Alma Boy GS – 1995 gray gelding by Always Run Lucky xx, out of Alma Ata by Amiego
Mas Exito – 1991 gelding by Priority xx, out of Sonset by Habict
1987 bay mare by Kalluster, out of Koralle XI by Pasteur xx
1997, 1998(reg. Truly Academic) 1985 black gelding by Orpheus, out of Totilla by Prusso
19961985 chestnut gelding by Schubert, out of Gertrud by Donetz
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a – the back (withers to peak of croup)
b – the body (point of shoulder to point of buttock)
c – the pelvis (point of hip to point of buttock)
d – the rib length (withers to last rib)
e – the shoulder (withers to point of shoulder)
f – the arm (point of shoulder to point of elbow)
g – the elbow to the stifle
h – the knee to the hock