A perpetual trophy awarded annually for the ATA approved Trakehner stallion with the year’s highest score in Combined Training. Donated in 1987 by Pat & Dave Goodman in memory of their American bred and approved stallion Cäsar (by Donauschimmer, out of Celana by Amagun).
by Askar (AA), out of St.Pr.&Pr. St. Hamamelis by Pardon Go, bred by Trakehner Gestüt Gorlo, Melle, FRG, owned by Halimey Go, LLC, Dalton, GA
by Onassis *E*, out of Tanzania *E* by Avignon II, bred by Pam Norton, Huxley, TX, owned by Anissa Cottongim, Alford, FL
2013by Domritter, out of Tiered Response by Rombus, bred and owned by Kelley Willemze, Mono, ON
2012(by Hibiskus out of Zauberlied II by E.H. Friedensfürst); bred by Phillip von Schöning; owned by Darren Chiacchia
2011, 20101992 brown/black approved stallion by Habicht, out of Wundermädel xx by Madruzzo xx
gray approved stallion by Martini *Pg*E* out of Suprecocious by Abdullah *Pg*E*; bred and owned by Jean Brinkman, Wellborn, FL; ridden by Andrew Palmer
20081992 brown/black approved stallion by Habicht, out of Wundermädel xx by Madruzzo xx
1989 bay approved stallion by Roland, out of Dommeise by Melos
1997, 19961980 black approved stallion by Amor II, out of Aschenbrödel by Schabernack
1986 bay approved stallion by Bütow, out of Tosca II *E* by Harnisch
19931982 bay approved stallion by Mackensen, out of Sarika by Ibikus
19921980 black approved stallion by Amor II, out of Aschenbrödel by Schabernack
1974 gray approved stallion by Händel, out of Abiza *E* by Maharadscha
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a – the back (withers to peak of croup)
b – the body (point of shoulder to point of buttock)
c – the pelvis (point of hip to point of buttock)
d – the rib length (withers to last rib)
e – the shoulder (withers to point of shoulder)
f – the arm (point of shoulder to point of elbow)
g – the elbow to the stifle
h – the knee to the hock