ATA Awards Program

More information on other Awards programs coming soon!

Performance Awards by Discipline

Complete list of award winners from the program’s inception to the present.

Member Awards

Awarded to ATA members. These awards include the Karl-Heinz Barton Trophy, Gerda Friedrichs Memorial Award, and the Koenig NowPac Award to name a few. Click Here for a complete list of all past winners and descriptions of each award.

Merit Awards

Awarded to horses for accomplishments in the show ring. These award include the Palmenblüte Award, Trakehner Förderverein Award, Trakehner Verband Award and the Cäsar Memorial Cup to name a few. Click Here for a complete list of all past winners and descriptions of each award.


Figure 2

Figure 2

a – 1st and 2nd cervical vertebrae
b – thoraco-lumbar joint (T18 connection of last rib)
c – last rib
d – lumbo-sacral joint
e – hip joint (pelvis/femur)

Figure 1

Horse Figure 1

a – the back (withers to peak of croup)
b – the body (point of shoulder to point of buttock)
c – the pelvis (point of hip to point of buttock)
d – the rib length (withers to last rib)
e – the shoulder (withers to point of shoulder)
f – the arm (point of shoulder to point of elbow)
g – the elbow to the stifle
h – the knee to the hock

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