Feiner Prinz

Feiner Prinz

Registration #: OSB-E-S440
Birth Date: 5/16/2010
Body Color: Bay
Height: 16.2 1/2


St.Pr.&Pr.St. Flamenca III
Dam Sire

Show Name: Perry
This young Perechlest son, with his distinctive markings and dynamic uphill movements is sure to be a show stopper! Both the dam and sire lines are packed with performance lines! “Perry” has ‘classic’ Trakehner type, which can best be described as ‘aristocratic.’ He has a large, kind eye, and noble expression. His movements are elastic, gaits ground-covering. During his approvals he demonstrated not only good jumping technique, but was thoughtful and clever when going through the chute. Under saddle he has been a willing learner with a solid work ethic, even during the breeding season. He has always been described as a ‘gentleman’ and is very easy to handle. 2015 brought his first foal crop, and he is proving to stamp with good neck set, lots of ‘chrome’, and good temperament, and considerable athleticism.

Full Pedigree:


Perechlest Hockey II Pomeranets ox Priboj ox
Mammona ox
Hasa Hrisolit
Pepela Papirus Pamir
Privolniza Welt

St.Pr.&Pr.St. Flamenca III Cornus E.H. Ravel Mahagoni
Cornu Illuster
Dam Name
E.St. Fortune IV Camelot Arsenal
Florence II Pasteur xx
Fanny Hill
Breeder: Dr. Renate Wernke-Schmissing


Figure 2

Figure 2

a – 1st and 2nd cervical vertebrae
b – thoraco-lumbar joint (T18 connection of last rib)
c – last rib
d – lumbo-sacral joint
e – hip joint (pelvis/femur)

Figure 1

Horse Figure 1

a – the back (withers to peak of croup)
b – the body (point of shoulder to point of buttock)
c – the pelvis (point of hip to point of buttock)
d – the rib length (withers to last rib)
e – the shoulder (withers to point of shoulder)
f – the arm (point of shoulder to point of elbow)
g – the elbow to the stifle
h – the knee to the hock

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