ATA Stallion Service Auction
Auction Runs from Feb 1 (1 am CST) - Feb 14 (10 pm CST)
Official Auction Time:12:59:9 CST (refresh page for current)

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Tanzeln *Ps* BACK to Stallion List

Photo Credit(s): 1)k cassel   /   (2): k cassel   /   3) Lisa Schmid   /   4) Pam Norton

Tanzeln *Ps*, a 2000 bay 16.3h premium-approved ATA, ISR/Old and Westfalen stallion by Enrico Caruso *Ps*E* is an athletic, talented and beautiful stallion with an impressive work ethic and an incredibly good temperament. He has competed in dressage with a young amateur rider, at Intermediaire 1 with scores into the 70%s, and competed in the USDF Dressage National Championships in 2017, placing 5th in the Intermediaire 1 Freestyle. He has always loved to work and his amazing heart took him from a debilitating injury at age 7 to FEI competition. His frozen semen has been extremely successful with both maidens and seasoned broodmares. We use a 2-dose protocol for frozen which makes it easier for mare owners and vets. Tanz has successfully settled maidens, older mares and difficult to get pregnant mares with frozen. Tanz's offspring are smart, well balanced, people friendly, love to work and want to please. He produces trainable, sane offspring with great gaits that are competing successfully across all disciplines. Tanz was #36 on 2019 USEF top dressage sires (the top Trakehner), in the top 65 in 2020 and #51 in 2021 (again, the top Trakehner sire). Several sons are currently competing successfully in the Hunter/Jumper rings, eventing (at 5 years old, his son Castellan won the USEA Area 3 Open Novice Championship with rider/trainer Andrew Palmer) and is showing PSG dressage this year. Many others keep their amateur riders happy trail riding, doing parades and other non-showing endeavors. Tanz consistently passes on type, athleticism, bravery and trainability and his offspring nearly always inherit his “9” walk and exceptional canter. Their owners comment on how willing to work and easy to train they are. Offspring are generally easy enough for amateurs but talented enough for professionals.


John Cassel

John at 501-231-3614 or

Frozen Collection/Handling: Frozen $50/Fresh $200 Shipping Fees: actual fedex charges
Breeding Notes: Excellent quality frozen always available
Current Bid:
  (Reserve Met)
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Bid Increment: $50.00                        Sorry, this auction is closed. We suggest you contact the stallion owner directly if you still wish to breed to this stallion.        

Video Link(s): Video 1 Video 2 Video 3
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