Database Search Hints


For names containing abbreviations such as Dr. & Ms. try searching for the name without the punctuation. For example: Dr Detroit

Special Characters

Many names within this database contain special characters - most notably umlauts and accents. Searching for a name without these characters correctly entered will yield no results.

To type these characters hold down your "ALT" key while typing the following number combinations using the keypad portion of your keyboard.

ä = ALT + 0228
ö = ALT + 0246
ü = ALT + 0252
é = ALT + 0233

Below are commonly used name fragments that usually contain special characters:

  • bluete - blute = blüte
  • floete - flote = flöte
  • fuerst - furst = fürst
  • gruen - grun = grün
  • jaeger - jager = jäger
  • koenig - konig = könig
  • loewen - lowen = löwen
  • maedchen - madchen = mädchen
  • maedel - madel = mädel
  • maerchen - marchen = märchen
  • praerie - prarie = prärie
  • schoen - schon = schön
  • stueck - stuck = stück
  • taenzer - tanzer = tänzer
  • traeum - traum = träum

  • ae = ä
  • oe = ö
  • ue = ü

If after trying all possible variations on the spelling your search still returns no results, send details on the horse you are searching for to the webmaster for assistance.

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